Fjords at the Royal Winter Fair
Going to the Royal each year is tradition among just about everyone I know around here, and many attend not just one day but for two, three, or more days. I was just reading an article in the Corinthian Horse Sport which referred fondly to “the ten days of controlled mayhem that is the Royal”. π
RAWF attractions include the horse show which attracts top equestrians in a variety of disciplines who look forward to competing each year at the Royal, as well as all types of livestock, giant vegetables, crafts, dog agility demonstrations, and shopping galore (especially for us equestrians)!
So, I was ever so pleased when last year, for the first time, the Canadian Fjord Horse Association decided to have a booth showcasing the Fjord Horse at the Royal. The Ontario Equestrian Federation runs the Spirit of the Horse at the Royal as an area to highlight the variety of breeds of horses. Here, there are breed demonstrations running all day throughout the fair as well as demos of various services like equine massage, training techniques, saddle fitting, and even an animal communicator.Last year I rode our mare Bocina (now owned by Alice MacGillivray of Gabriola, BC). This year Russell Brenneman was exhibiting his mare Bluebird Lane Sparrow, and Stefan and I were there to help out in the booth. Sparrow was our first foal, and she is now 13 years old. Boy does time fly by and the babies grow up!
Russell has had a great year with Sparrow, showing her at First Level and getting good scores and ribbons at the Silver dressage shows. Sparrow was a real trooper at the Royal, acting as a patient model in the saddle fitting demo and doing a great job in her three demos a day in the Spirit of the Horse ring. Job well done, Sparrow and Russell!
I put together this gallery of photos from last year with Bocina. It gives you a bit of the flavour of the fair. We were there for the opening three days Friday through Sunday, then we left and another Fjord came in to do the demos for two more days. The opening weekend was especially busy, with lots and lots of visitors. On the Friday we got a lot of school kids. Everyone, one and all, seemed fascinated by Bocina, and we had one of the only two stalls in the Spirit of the Horse with a top door that opened so Bocina could put her head out and let people meet her up close and personal.
Bocina is a daughter of my former top show horse Prisco (now owned and shown by Peggy Spear in WI) and she is not only very beautiful, she is so sweet and has the softest coat ever. There was definitely a lot of love in the air around Bocina’s stall at the Royal. π
- Bocina and I do a test ride in the Spirit of the Horse ring the night before the opening
- Some of Bocina’s first visitors on Friday morning
- The lineup for autographs gets long!
- Even the police like Fjords
- Doing one of our demos in the Spirit of the Horse ring
- In the CFHA booth with my friend Linda Townsend
- Backstage at the Royal: this hallway was our tackroom as well as mounting up area
- In the staging area just before going into the ring with Gunnar from the CFHA and Catherine from the OEF
- Lori and Bocina in the stall preparing for one of our demos
- Animal communicator Lauren Bode talking to Bocina
- Bocina poses with the CN tower in the background
- Getting outside for some fresh air in the morning
- Enjoying some green grass on the CNE grounds early in the morning
- Posing on the CNE grounds under the Canadian flags
- Walking past BMO field with new-found Thoroughbred friend Simon
- Bocina and Simon with the Toronto skyline in the distance
- Heading back to our stall after our morning walk
- “Little Horse Goes to the Big City”: One last pose before we go back inside
- And what would the Royal be without the butter sculptures? This one is so fun!