Bluebird Lane Tyvjo
Tyvjo is a colt, born on May 30, 2009 at 5:25 am. His sire is Mogly (Ster, Prestatie) and his dam is Bocina (Prisco X Brita II).
The dam’s sire Prisco was shown very successfully up to Third Level Dressage and has earned both Bronze and Silver Medals of Achievement from Dressage Canada! We have owned his daughter Bocina since she was a yearling (she’s eight years old now) and she was raised and trained here at Bluebird Lane. Bocina was shown for the first time in the summer of her six year old year, when she competed at First Level Dressage in a series of shows put on by CADORA (Canadian Dressage Owners and Riders Association) where she ended the summer as the Reserve Champion!
We named Tyvjo after a Norwegian bird, and we pronounce it Teev-Yo. This little boy has WAY long legs, I do believe he is the tallest and leggiest foal we’ve had yet. He has an adorable dishy face with a tiny muzzle, and the sweetest of temperaments.